Wednesday 30 January 2019

The Brexit Debacle Continues

Yesterday, the debacle of Brexit reached new heights with the Commons voting on a number of amendments, the results of which only highlighted the absurdity of some of the leading positions. If you had to offer an extension to ten-year-old pupils sitting for an exam that they had no hope of finishing in time, they would of course be delighted, but no, not the bulk of parliamentarians! They would rather fail, than risk appearing slow. Or are they afraid that they will miss the ice-cream van waiting outside? They voted down the option of allowing themselves more time to sort Brexit out despite not having a clue on how to go about it. The problem is that they will drag much of the country down with them. What was even more surreal was Theresa May leading the charge against her own deal ("the only possible deal", as she herself had repeatedly called it); succeeding... and calling it a victory! A caricature of Delacroix's painting, Liberty Leading the People springs to mind, with May's face, a Brexit flag and her own deal underfoot!

Jonathan Freeland writing for The Guardian, sums up the situation beautifully:
Almost everyone involved, from both main parties, showed themselves to be immersed in delusion, trading fantasies and absurdities, each one refusing to meet reality’s eye, let alone tackle it head on.
The article is witty, insightful and well worth reading; you can access here

Meanwhile, 30 prominent writers and intellectuals have published a powerful manifesto on the dangers of anti-European sentiment titled: Fight for Europe - or the wreckers will destroy it. It, too, is worth reading and you can access it by following the link.

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