Saturday, 2 February 2019

26 People Own More Than 3.8 Billion People

The last few weeks saw the publication of two important reports highlighting inequality and the disastrous impact this has on people all around the world:

It is hard to imagine how a coachload of people can own as much wealth as half the world population, but the consequences, though hard to digest, are clear enough. The OXFAM Report highlights some of these -
• 262 million children will not be allowed to go to school.
• Almost 10,000 people will die because they cannot access healthcare. 
• 16.4 billion hours of unpaid care work will be done, the majority by women in poverty.
The answer is unlikely to spring from the billionaires themselves and it is up to governments to work towards readdressing the imbalance through fairer and more constructive policies. The problem is that even where democracy is well-established, voters are easily duped into electing right wing politicians, like Trump, who have no interest in creating a just and safe society. In other words: 
Democracy without education is the dictatorship of ignorance.

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