Sunday, 7 April 2019

The Rwandan Genocide, 25 years on

A heartbreaking anniversary...

Today is the 25th anniversary of the Rwandan genocide. I wanted to write about it, but I cannot bring myself to give an account of those horrendous events. Up to one million people may have been brutally murdered. President Macron of France has just set up a committee to explore France's failings with respect to the slaughter; it's never too late, I guess. Other countries, however, are also criticised for having been complicit in one way or another, like the UK, the US and Belgium. 

The healing process is not over

President Paul Kagame said that the Rwandans are "a family again" and he does deserve much of the credit for that. There are, however, still so many open wounds relating to loss, rape and disability, for instance. The healing process will therefore have to continue for many years to come. Rich countries who had turned a blind eye to the atrocities, or actually inflamed them, must do more to help with the reconstruction of shattered lives and infrastructure. 

This documentary film on the genocide shows explicit scenes of violence. I could not watch it, but for anyone who can cope with the gruelling scenes, here it is:

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