Sunday 14 April 2019

Truth is complex, but hate is hate

Truth has many faces...

The Zhuangzi, a Daoist text from the Warring States Period, complains at the bigotry of the day. It bemoans how every school of thought considers that it holds the monopoly of truth. Different senses perceive different aspects of reality, it explains, and we must pay heed to all of them in order to obtain a fuller picture of reality. Over two thousand years later and it appears as though things have not changed that much. 

Scientists, of course, do use a range of methods to scratch deeper into the realities they are studying and they could certainly teach politicians a thing or two. Nevertheless, scientists sometimes also atrophy around a few precepts, equations and preconceptions. They may miss the magic of what it is they are studying. A scientist will often confuse poetry with meter, religion with dogma and beauty with utility. Feeling the magic of the universe is as important as describing it and its laws. In fact, it is more important. 

Ignorance is not inevitable

So here, it is the politicians who can teach the scientists a useful lesson. The world does not always make sense. I guess quantum mechanics says as much. The folly of people is a case in point. Ignorance can be explained, but the fact that it is there in the first place, defies the supremacy of logic. Devious politicians find ways of tapping into this ignorance and they even encourage it. Hence the Trumps, Putins and Bolsonaros of this world. 

Ignorance, however is not inevitable. It is the result of inherited bigotry, biased education or uninformed assumptions. Whilst truth requires a open-minded approach, as mentioned in the first paragraph, truth is not relative. Oppressing the underprivileged, destroying the planet and fanning hatred, as Trump loves to do, will always be evil and destructive. 

The US must tighten up its hate speech laws

Trump's recent comments on Ilhan Omar is just one of his many vitriolic and hateful Tweets that aims to sow lies, hatred and discord. He is a disgrace to the nation he leads and blemish on all those who support him. If American hate laws allow this sort of behaviour, then certainly it is high time that they are changed. 

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