Friday, 3 May 2019


UN-aligned is idealistic, but...

UN-aligned will be launched on May 24. The organisation will focus on putting humanity before borders and the environment before greed. It will fight for a real united nations; one that is not compromised by a flawed structure and destructive members. Here is an extract for the FAQs section that covers its idealism.
UN-aligned is idealistic in the sense that it focusses on ideals that are far-reaching and not yet realised. This does not, however, mean that they never will be. Simple growth does not require vision. It unfolds spontaneously one step at a time. Most people feel comfortable with this slow pace, even though their dreams may already be ahead of them. Creation, on the other hand, is a divine quality, so to speak, that is born of vision and a certain faith in what could be. It is this quality that gave us the great leaps in technology and civilisation, including milestones in social progress and innovation in arts. We would still be living in caves, if people didn’t dare to dream…
UN-aligned is not idealistic in the sense that it is aiming at the impossible. None of its objectives are beyond the reach of humanity. Our mission, therefore is to inspire and enthuse people to believe and strive for a better future.

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